NATS Logo by Example

Auto-Scaler in Use Cases

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$ nbe run use-cases/auto-scaler/go
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package main

import (


func main() {
	natsURL := os.Getenv("NATS_URL")

	nc, _ := nats.Connect(natsURL)
	defer nc.Drain()

	js, _ := nc.JetStream()

Create an interest-based stream which will hold a message only until all bound consumers have ack’ed the message.

		Name:      "TEST",
		Subjects:  []string{"test.*"},
		Retention: nats.InterestPolicy,

Create pull consumer that will track state for the subscribers that actually process the messages.

	js.AddConsumer("TEST", &nats.ConsumerConfig{
		Name:      "PROCESSOR",
		AckPolicy: nats.AckExplicitPolicy,

Create pull consumer that will monitor the stream and auto-provision subscribers bound to the PROCESSOR consumer to actually do the work.

	js.AddConsumer("TEST", &nats.ConsumerConfig{
		Name:        "PROVISIONER",
		AckPolicy:   nats.AckAllPolicy,
		HeadersOnly: true,

Setup a base context.

	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	defer cancel()

Initialize a basic goroutine provisioner that implements Provisioner.

	provisioner := newGoroutineProvision(js, "TEST", "PROCESSOR")

Start the provisioner which actually monitors the stream and invokes the provisioner methods.

	sub, _ := StartProvisioner(ctx, js, provisioner, "TEST", "PROVISIONER")
	defer sub.Unsubscribe()

Send a batch of requests which will scale up

	log.Print("starting batch 1...")
	t0 := time.Now()
	for i := 0; i < 10_000; i++ {
		id := nuid.Next()
		for {
			_, err := js.Request("", nil, time.Second, nats.MsgId(id))
			if err == nil {
			} else {
				log.Printf("batch 1: %d: %s, retrying...", i, err)
	log.Printf("first batch done in %s", time.Since(t0))

	log.Print("sleeping 5 seconds..")
	time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)

	log.Print("starting batch 2...")
	t0 = time.Now()
	for i := 0; i < 10_000; i++ {
		id := nuid.Next()
		for {
			_, err := js.Request("", nil, time.Second, nats.MsgId(id))
			if err == nil {
			} else {
				log.Printf("batch 2: %d: %s, retrying...", i, err)
	log.Printf("second batch done in %s", time.Since(t0))


func StartProvisioner(ctx context.Context, js nats.JetStreamContext, p Provisioner, stream, consumer string) (*nats.Subscription, error) {

Bind a subscriber for PROVISIONER consumer.

	sub, err := js.PullSubscribe("", "", nats.Bind(stream, consumer))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	go startProvisioner(ctx, sub, p)

	return sub, nil

func startProvisioner(ctx context.Context, sub *nats.Subscription, p Provisioner) {
	var (
		count         int
		ratePerSec    float64
		lastReceive   time.Time
		lastScaleTime time.Time

	startTime := time.Now()
	instances := make(map[string]struct{})

	for {
		fctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Second)

Timeout getting the next message after a second.. this will ensure when there are no new messages, the scaling check will run to scale down.

		msgs, err := sub.Fetch(10, nats.Context(fctx))

		stopping := false
		switch err {
		case nil:
		case nats.ErrTimeout, context.DeadlineExceeded:
			log.Print("provisioner: no new messages")
			stopping = true
			log.Printf("provisioner: stopping: %s", err)

		now := time.Now()

Update stats when messages are present.

		if l := len(msgs); l > 0 {

			count += l
			lastReceive = now
			dur := lastReceive.Sub(startTime)
			ratePerSec = float64(count) / (float64(dur) / float64(time.Second))
			if len(instances) == 0 {
				log.Printf("provisioner: new message observed")

		if stopping || now.Sub(lastScaleTime) >= time.Second {
			lastScaleTime = now

Determine desired scale of instances.

			currentNum := len(instances)
			newNum := 0
			if !stopping {
				newNum = p.NumInstances(lastReceive, currentNum, ratePerSec)
			scaleDiff := newNum - currentNum
			if scaleDiff != 0 {
				log.Printf("provisioner: scaling: %d -> %d", currentNum, newNum)

			if scaleDiff < 0 {
				var n int
				for id := range instances {
					if n == -scaleDiff {
					err := p.StopInstance(ctx, id)
					if err != nil {
						log.Printf("provisioner: instance %s error: %s", id, err)
					} else {
						log.Printf("provisioner: instance %s stopped", id)
						delete(instances, id)

			if scaleDiff > 0 {
				for i := 0; i < scaleDiff; i++ {
					id, err := p.StartInstance(ctx)
					if err != nil {
						log.Printf("provisioner: instance %s error: %s", id, err)
					instances[id] = struct{}{}
					log.Printf("provisioner: instance %s started", id)

			if stopping {

type Provisioner interface {

NumInstances returns the number of instances that should be provisioned given the last message receive time, the current number, and the current message rate per second.

	NumInstances(lastReceive time.Time, num int, ratePerSec float64) int

StartInstance starts a new instance and returns and ID representing the instance.

	StartInstance(ctx context.Context) (string, error)

StopInstance stops an instance given an ID.

	StopInstance(ctx context.Context, id string) error

func newGoroutineProvision(js nats.JetStreamContext, stream, consumer string) *goroutineProvisioner {
	return &goroutineProvisioner{
		js:                js,
		inactiveThreshold: 2 * time.Second,
		fetchSize:         5,
		maxRatePerHandler: 500,
		streamName:        stream,
		consumerName:      consumer,
		handlers:          make(map[string]context.CancelFunc),

type goroutineProvisioner struct {
	js                nats.JetStreamContext
	inactiveThreshold time.Duration
	maxRatePerHandler int
	fetchSize         int
	streamName        string
	consumerName      string
	handlers          map[string]context.CancelFunc

Function to calculate the appropriate number of handlers given the message rate.

func (p *goroutineProvisioner) NumInstances(lastReceive time.Time, current int, ratePerSec float64) int {

Detect inactivity, gradually scale down.

	if time.Since(lastReceive) >= p.inactiveThreshold {
		return current - 1

Start with 1

	if current == 0 {
		return 1

Scale up one at a time until the max is reached based on handling 100

	max := int(math.Ceil(ratePerSec / float64(p.maxRatePerHandler)))

	if current > max {
		current = max

	return current

func (d *goroutineProvisioner) startInstance(ctx context.Context, id string) {
	sub, _ := d.js.PullSubscribe("", "", nats.Bind(d.streamName, d.consumerName))
	defer sub.Drain()

	count := 0

	for {
		fctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Second)
		msgs, err := sub.Fetch(d.fetchSize, nats.Context(fctx))

		switch err {

Received messages, or no new messages so just continue.

		case nil, context.DeadlineExceeded:

Clean exit.

		case context.Canceled:
			log.Printf("instance %s: processed %d messages", id, count)
			log.Printf("instance %s: error: %s", id, err)

Loop and do work..

		for _, msg := range msgs {

func (d *goroutineProvisioner) StartInstance(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
	id := nuid.Next()
	hctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
	d.handlers[id] = cancel
	go d.startInstance(hctx, id)
	return id, nil

func (d *goroutineProvisioner) StopInstance(ctx context.Context, id string) error {
	cancel, ok := d.handlers[id]
	if ok {
		delete(d.handlers, id)
	return nil


Network 4241f7a1_default  Creating
Network 4241f7a1_default  Created
Container 4241f7a1-nats-1  Creating
Container 4241f7a1-nats-1  Created
Container 4241f7a1-nats-1  Starting
Container 4241f7a1-nats-1  Started
2022/10/17 21:17:33 starting batch 1...
2022/10/17 21:17:33 provisioner: new message observed
2022/10/17 21:17:33 provisioner: scaling: 0 -> 1
2022/10/17 21:17:33 provisioner: instance Xs5kAaAhElRY3m3cEmk2O4 started
2022/10/17 21:17:34 provisioner: scaling: 1 -> 2
2022/10/17 21:17:34 provisioner: instance Xs5kAaAhElRY3m3cEmmGM3 started
2022/10/17 21:17:35 provisioner: scaling: 2 -> 3
2022/10/17 21:17:35 provisioner: instance Xs5kAaAhElRY3m3cEmo8Fv started
2022/10/17 21:17:36 provisioner: scaling: 3 -> 4
2022/10/17 21:17:36 provisioner: instance Xs5kAaAhElRY3m3cEmqHDZ started
2022/10/17 21:17:39 first batch done in 5.441977073s
2022/10/17 21:17:39 sleeping 5 seconds..
2022/10/17 21:17:40 provisioner: no new messages
2022/10/17 21:17:41 provisioner: no new messages
2022/10/17 21:17:41 provisioner: scaling: 4 -> 3
2022/10/17 21:17:41 provisioner: instance Xs5kAaAhElRY3m3cEmk2O4 stopped
2022/10/17 21:17:41 instance Xs5kAaAhElRY3m3cEmk2O4: processed 4535 messages
2022/10/17 21:17:42 provisioner: no new messages
2022/10/17 21:17:42 provisioner: scaling: 3 -> 2
2022/10/17 21:17:42 starting batch 2...
2022/10/17 21:17:42 provisioner: instance Xs5kAaAhElRY3m3cEmo8Fv stopped
2022/10/17 21:17:42 instance Xs5kAaAhElRY3m3cEmo8Fv: processed 1757 messages
2022/10/17 21:17:43 provisioner: scaling: 2 -> 3
2022/10/17 21:17:43 provisioner: instance Xs5kAaAhElRY3m3cEmvQMw started
2022/10/17 21:17:48 second batch done in 6.418469312s
2022/10/17 21:17:48 instance Xs5kAaAhElRY3m3cEmqHDZ: processed 5130 messages
2022/10/17 21:17:48 instance Xs5kAaAhElRY3m3cEmmGM3: processed 6580 messages
2022/10/17 21:17:48 instance Xs5kAaAhElRY3m3cEmvQMw: processed 1998 messages
2022/10/17 21:17:48 provisioner: stopping: context canceled
2022/10/17 21:17:48 provisioner: scaling: 3 -> 0
2022/10/17 21:17:48 provisioner: instance Xs5kAaAhElRY3m3cEmvQMw stopped
2022/10/17 21:17:48 provisioner: instance Xs5kAaAhElRY3m3cEmmGM3 stopped
2022/10/17 21:17:48 provisioner: instance Xs5kAaAhElRY3m3cEmqHDZ stopped


Note, playback is half speed to make it a bit easier to follow.