NATS Logo by Example

Request-Reply in Messaging

CLI Go Python Deno Node Rust C# Java Ruby Elixir C
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use futures::StreamExt;
use std::{env, str::from_utf8, time::Duration};

async fn main() -> Result<(), async_nats::Error> {

Use the NATS_URL env variable if defined, otherwise fallback to the default.

    let nats_url = env::var("NATS_URL")
        .unwrap_or_else(|_| "nats://localhost:4222".to_string());

    let client = async_nats::connect(nats_url).await?;

In addition to vanilla publish-request, NATS supports request-reply interactions as well. Under the covers, this is just an optimized pair of publish-subscribe operations. The requests is just a subscription that responds to a message sent to it. This kind of subscription is called a service.

    let mut requests = client.subscribe("greet.*".into()).await.unwrap();

Spawn a new task, so we can respond to incoming requests. Usually request/response happens across clients and network and in such scenarios, you don’t need a separate task.

        let client = client.clone();
        async move {

Iterate over requests.

            while let Some(request) = {

Check if message we got have a reply to which we can publish the response.

                if let Some(reply) = request.reply {

Publish the response.

                    let name = &request.subject[6..];
                        .publish(reply, format!("hello, {}", name).into())
            Ok::<(), async_nats::Error>(())

As there is a Subscriber listening to requests, we can sent those. We’re leaving the payload empty for these examples.

    let response = client.request("greet.sue".into(), "".into()).await?;
    println!("got a response: {:?}", from_utf8(&response.payload)?);

    let response = client.request("greet.john".into(), "".into()).await?;
    println!("got a response: {:?}", from_utf8(&response.payload)?);

If we don’t want to endlessly wait until response is returned, we can wrap it in tokio::time::timeout.

    let response = tokio::time::timeout(
        client.request("greet.bob".into(), "".into()),

first ? is Err if timeout occurs, second is for actual response Result.

    println!("got a response: {:?}", from_utf8(&response.payload)?);



Network 00b5d1e6_default  Creating
Network 00b5d1e6_default  Created
Container 00b5d1e6-nats-1  Creating
Container 00b5d1e6-nats-1  Created
Container 00b5d1e6-nats-1  Starting
Container 00b5d1e6-nats-1  Started
got a response: "hello, sue"
got a response: "hello, john"
got a response: "hello, bob"


Note, playback is half speed to make it a bit easier to follow.